
April 13-16th

Leaving Chile so I get a new visa


Waiting to stamp our passports in the
lines that are for cars

Trees making a bridge over every street


Shopping in the park, mom with
the necklace she bought

Outside the nice (and warm!) café


Lots of water in some of the gutters


Entrance to the big park in Mendoza

Pepper trees

Campgrounds with table, asado, running
water, light and garbage can for each site

Our guides for horseback riding

And we are ready to go

My first time on a horse

Mom with gentlest horse they had

Clara and Martina in the mountains

Pollo al disco when we came back

Eating our chicken on bread,
we were hungry by then

Mom in the chocolate store on Easter


Martina at the hostel


Our Hostel


Mom and dad enjoying the view
on the bus back to Santiago

Cute cactuses sticking up like
heads in the valleys

View of the mountains as we leave the city

Resevoir with Medozas drinking water

Martina and I on the bus home

In the foothills beyond the refinery is
where we went horseback riding

On our way to Argentina looking up
at the road to the border

Looking down the Chilean side of the
border in cold, grey weather

Nice colours in the rock


Same road but on our way home
with warm sunny weather

Curvy road down on the Chilean side
of the border (same valley as above)